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Here is a link to my full resume


2023 - 2023

Practicum Student

I did a counselling practicum at the Chilliwack Youth Health Center. I did CBT group, and shadowing counsellors in sessions.

2018 - Present

British Columbia Lottery Corporation 

I work as a lottery retailer in a lotto booth. I sell tickets to customers and provide information to them about questions they have about the lottery. 


2014 - 2018

Aldergrove Community Secondary School (ACSS) |
Dogwood Diploma

2018 - Present

University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) |
Bachelor's Degree

Major in Psychology

Minor in History


Relevant Courses

  • PSYCH 221 - Intro to Cognitive Psychology 

This course surveys several important sub-areas of cognitive psychology including pattern recognition, attention, memory, category formation, imagery, problem solving, expertise and creativity, language, and decision making. Students will be introduced to many classic issues and landmark experiments in these areas, and will explore the research literature in specific topics of their choice.


  • PSYCH 250 - Intro to Developmental Psychology

This course introduces students to the study of human development across the lifespan. The course will cover the major theories of human development and changes that occur during the lifespan in the areas of cognitive, perceptual, social, and emotional development.


  • PSYCH 306 - Psychological Assessment

​This methods course focuses on the purpose, scope, and mechanics of psychological testing and assessment. Topics include theoretical issues in assessment, methodology of administering tests, relevant measurement and statistics, assessment for specific populations, and an overview of currently used assessment instruments.


  • PSYCH 351 - Child Psychology

​This course considers the psychological aspects of human development from conception through to adolescence. It covers the changes in the areas of physical, perceptual, language, emotional, social, and cognitive development.


  • PSYCH 355 - Adolescent Psychology

This course considers the psychological aspects of human development during the period of adolescence. Changes in the areas of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development will be covered.


  • PSYCH 360 - Social Psychology 

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a broad overview of the field of social psychology. The course focuses on social psychological theory and findings. Topics may include how individuals view the social world, how individuals make inferences about others, how attitudes are formed and changed, and social relations.


  • PSYCH 491S - Basic Counselling & Interview Skills

​The purpose of this course is to train students in basic, help-intended counselling and interviewing skills, and to increase student competence in empathic listening and responding for the purposes of facilitating client self- awareness and self-exploration. Students will be introduced to theory and practice of the conditions for change in counselling, as well as the primary and advanced empathy stages. Social and cultural issues will be discussed to increase student sensitivity to contextual factors influencing the dynamics of helping interviews. Further, ethical issues pertinent to professional helping relationships, such as confidentiality, power differentials, counsellor bias, dual relationships, and counsellor expertise will be discussed.

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